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Hi, I’m Kristin!

I’ve always loved to cook, and due to celiac disease that cooking is gluten free. You’ve probably figured out from my blog’s name that I make tasty and flavorful food. My goal is not just to make tasteful gluten free recipes, but to make eating gluten free tasteful for your wallet, lifestyle, and your health. 

I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and I love it! I read once that “a sink full of dishes is a sign of a day well spent” and I couldn’t agree more. I choose homemade over storebought and buy in bulk whenever possible. I hate repeating recipes over and over so I’m always out to try something new!

Since I have celiac disease I follow a strict gluten free diet. When people ask my husband if he is gluten free he usually responds with “by marriage”.  He is a really good sport about eating what works for my diet. Despite his willingness to eat gluten free with me, I’ve found that it is not cost effective to have two people eating expensive gluten free items when only one needs to be. A portion of my cooking style  is about making delicious naturally gluten free meals. The other part is about simultaneously preparing gluten free and non gluten free meals in a safe and effective way.

I hope that you enjoy the recipes and tips on this blog!

Feel free to leave a comment or send me an e-mail!

2 responses »

  1. Your blog looks beautiful!! Looking forward to following you, I am always looking for more gluten free recipes.


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