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Gluten Free Weekly Meals (What I Ate Last Week) #2

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Welcome to week two of What I Ate Last Week. Every Monday I post picture, links to recipes, and reviews of what I’ve eaten in the past week. It’s all below. To see pictures and get meal ideas during the week be sure to follow me on Twitter (@tastefullyf) and Instagram (tastefullygf). Now, onto the food!

I meal plan weekly and base my meal plan around the sales at the grocery store. This week there was a big discount on zucchini. At first my plan was to use zucchini in at least one meal a day, but that ended up back firing on Friday. I still got in lots of good zucchini recipes. Check it out!


For breakfast we had oatmeal sweetened with banana. I had my Cinnamon and Vanilla Oatmeal topped with almond butter and coconut flakes. It was so good. I actually ate it again for lunch on Saturday.


For lunch I had some leftovers – in this case it was leftover Coconut Flour Pizza from last week’s post. Leftover pizza is one of the few things I really like eating a day or two later. The crust held up well. I just reheated it in the microwave.


For dinner I made this Spicy Zucchini Fritatta from Shutterbean. This was really quick to make and really good. Sweet corn JUST started appearing in grocery stores and I was excited to use it. This wasn’t the best egg based dinner we’ve ever had but it was definitely a keeper.



Breakfast on Tuesday was hash browns, eggs and turkey bacon, which I clearly chowed down before I even took a picture. This is usually a filling breakfast, but I got my proportions wrong and made half as many hash browns as usual. I was pretty hungry a few hours later!

Lunch was more of that good coconut flour pizza leftovers + some snacks.

Dinner was sushi, homemade this time. I am really not a sushi making pro. My sushi tastes nothing like it does at a restaurant. It’s a meal we both enjoy, easily portable, and usually makes an appearance on the menu when I find smoked salmon on sale.

Homemade Sushi


On Wednesday we had that baked oatmeal I was speechless about last week. This time I took some pictures so I will share the recipe soon. Promise!


For lunch I whipped up a quick carrot noodle stir fry, to go with some leftover quinoa in the refrigerator. You can read more about this recipe in my post about it. But before you write off carrot noodles as being weird or gross, let me just tell you these are not either of those! I used to hate carrots, but with a bit of sauce in a stir fry they become totally different – and in a good way!

For dinner I made these Turkey Zucchini Thai Meatballs from iFOODreal. I made this recipe for the first time a few months ago and it’s been repeated a few times since then. It’s one of the few things Steve and I both want the leftovers from! I usually serve it with rice (white or brown, whatever is around) and some green beans. It’s a really, really delicious and healthy dinner! And I highly recommend any recipe from iFOODreal. I love this blog and can always count on finding top notch recipes there.



In continuing with the zucchini trend, breakfast on Thursday was zucchini pancakes. Same type I made last week, from (ish) Pinch of Yum. I like to eat mine plain. Steve adds chocolate chips and hazelnuts to his. There’s something about the addition of zucchini to the pancakes that helps them have more substance than normal GF pancakes, and I love that this helpful addition is healthy!


For lunch I made some tomato risotto. Steve was working from home and there weren’t enough leftovers for the both of us. I used to have a really delicious tomato risotto recipe that I lost, so I’ve been trying to recreate it. This wasn’t exactly the same, but it was good. I ate it with some steamed asparagus and the combinations of the two was perfect.

Dinner was this Tofu, Kale, and Quinoa Recipe. If you click the link you’ll notice the Kale isn’t even in the recipe. I’ve made this a few times. I pull up the recipe on Pinterest, don’t have most of the ingredients, and then make my own version. I don’t know why I use the recipe if I’m not actually going to use it, you know? The version I’ve ended up with is good – I never thought vegan food could be so good! It’s tangy with a bit of sweetness and lots of textures. Maybe someday I’ll write down what my recipe actually is and share it. In the meantime, just try the original!



On Friday I made more banana oatmeal for breakfast. This time I chose a chocolate base and my two favorite toppings, coconut and almond butter. Steve had his usual, which is in the picture, called “Snickers” Oatmeal. There are no snickers in it. It just has chocolate chips and peanut butter. But we call it “Snickers” oatmeal anyway.


My food plan went downhill on Friday. I was slicing zucchini on my mandolin to make some zucchini chips and had a little accident. The good thing was that I didn’t need stitches. The bad thing is that my pinky finger on my right hand is all tapped up and I can’t get it wet or dirty, or even bend it much in the wrapping. The most painful part was when the nurse at urgent care dumped peroxide on the wound. Other than that, it’s just been a lot of frustration and really, really not wanting to look at my injured finger. I was brave enough to look this morning and it was pretty gross, but healing, and that is what is important.

So, food preparation changes when you’re basically limited to one hand. After spending the early evening at urgent care we just went to Chick-fil-A for dinner. I’m not going to complain about GF waffle fries!


On Saturday I had big cooking plans and was frustrated that I couldn’t actually do what I wanted to do. I ended up eating some oatmeal mid-morning, and eventually enlisting Steve’s help for dinner. He’s good in the kitchen. He doesn’t do things my way, and I can be a control freak, but he can get the job done and that’s ultimately what is important. Together, we made a batch of these Chipotle Chicken Avocado Burgers. I just ate a leftover burger for lunch today and they’re still good. The spicy burger and cool avocado are a good combination! The recipe is on my list for posting 🙂


Oh, and along with the burgers I made these Summer Squash Pancakes. Steve wasn’t a fan (like, at all) and I was totally digging them. So I get them all! I made them exactly as the recipe stated, just subbing in Bob’s Red Mill GF Flour for the wheat flour. Turned out great!


On Sunday we had out favorite baked oatmeal again (see photo from Wednesday) for breakfast.

I was so pleased with the summer squash pancakes that I had some leftovers again for lunch!

Dinner was grilled fajitas. The chicken had been marinating overnight so it was so, so flavorful. I added green pepper and onions to the skewers. After grilling we wrapped up the meat and veggies in corn tortillas. By the end of the evening we’d eaten almost the whole batch! Definitely a winning recipe! No link because it was my own, but that’s on my list of recipes to post, too!


Thanks for checking in with me for your meal ideas this week! Remember to follow me on Twitter and Instagram (tastefullygf) for photos and links throughout the week. Tag me if you find a great GF recipe! See you back here next Monday, and watch for new recipes coming later this week!


About Kristin

I have always loved to cook, and have been eating and cooking gluten free since 2007. I aim to make delicious, frugal and healthy meals that will be appealing to GF and non-GF eaters alike!

2 responses »

  1. Well, I’m happy I made your dinner by creating Thai meatballs and you made my night by this “I love this blog and can always count on finding top notch recipes there.” So glad you liked everything!!!


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